Our sponsors help keep us in business! We hope you’ll consider making a donation to help sponsor the market that you love.
Here are some Sponsorship Options for Businesses and Individuals..
$20 The Sprout – Sprout level sponsors get a listing on the Sponsors page of our website and a great big thank you for being a very important part of IFM.
$50 The Parsnip – Sponsors who root themselves with IFM will get a listing on the Sponsors page, a single run in our e-newsletter, a sharp-looking IFM “Who’s your farmer?” t-shirt, and an IFM Sponsor certificate to display.
$100 The Rainbow Chard – Share your colorful splendor with IFM and get your logo on the Sponsors page and in a single-run of our e-newsletter, that IFM “Who’s your farmer?” t-shirt everyone’s raving about, and a coupon for $10 off the purchase of our weekly CSA, the Market Basket.
$500 The Heirloom Tomato – Sponsors at this level get everything from the Rainbow Chard level plus a half-season run in our e-newsletter, a second t-shirt and a spot at the Community Booth at the market for a week to share your message with our customers.
$1000 The Market Basket – Give us the whole meal deal and we will thank you with the Heirloom Tomato package plus a second day of the Community Booth at the market, a season-long logo on our e-newsletter, and $25 in tokens to be spent at the market with any of our wonderful vendors.
What does my contribution do for IFM?
$20 could buy IFM: Photocopies for vendor handouts or recipes
$50 could buy IFM: Our annual permit with the County Health Department, or 6 months of our web hosting, or 1 music performance, or one page of translation services, or matching funds for 10 low-income market customers.
$100 could buy IFM: Our Street Closure Permit for operating at our Overlook site, or 2 months of phone service or 6 hours of outreach to underserved communities, or 1/3 of our fee for the Oregon Farmers Market Association.
$500 could buy IFM: One new tent with weights & bungees (we need 3 new ones this year), or printing costs for posters, or purchasing a season’s worth of wooden market tokens for debit and SNAP customers, or ingredients for our Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser, or printing a run of IFM tote bags.
Make your tax-deductible sponsorship with credit card, check or online with PayPal
Call or email us: 971-344-0115 [email protected]
Thanks to these businesses who lend a hand through their financial and moral support:
2011 IFM Season
May - September
Overlook Park
Wednesdays - 3 pm to 7 pm
De La Salle High School
Saturdays - 9 am - 1:30 pm
SNAP/Oregon Trail ACCEPTED! (Just come to the info booth and we will swipe your card and give you tokens to spend with the vendors.)
WIC/Seniors Checks ACCEPTED! (Bring your checks directly to vendors displaying a WIC/Seniors sign)
Contact us today and join our dedicated team.
Sign-up to receive weekly reports on what's new at the market, vendor information and recipes.