All our most recent pictures are in our Facebook album!
The 2008 Season (all photos courtesy of Nikki Guerrero of Hot Mama Salsa)
IFM Marches into 2007!
Babies First Market Day!
Here are some pictures from my visit to Dave’s Killer Bread..
2011 IFM Season
May - September
Overlook Park
Wednesdays - 3 pm to 7 pm
De La Salle High School
Saturdays - 9 am - 1:30 pm
SNAP/Oregon Trail ACCEPTED! (Just come to the info booth and we will swipe your card and give you tokens to spend with the vendors.)
WIC/Seniors Checks ACCEPTED! (Bring your checks directly to vendors displaying a WIC/Seniors sign)
Contact us today and join our dedicated team.
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