Have feedback? A great idea? Want to get involved? Let us know!
Email Lisa, the Market Manager, at [email protected]
or call Lisa at 971-344-0115
Apply to be a vendor IFM by clicking here.
IFM’s musicians must play only original music, music in the public domain, or otherwise non-copyrighted.
Please email [email protected] with:
1) Band name and contact person name
2) Phone #
3) Which Wednesdays you’re available
4) Website/Myspace/FB if available
5) Type of music
(I’ll be promoting bands each week, so send me a small paragraph)
6) If you would need equipment
(IFM has a small mixer, 2 speakers w/stands and mic stands, if needed)
2011 IFM Season
May - September
Overlook Park
Wednesdays - 3 pm to 7 pm
De La Salle High School
Saturdays - 9 am - 1:30 pm
SNAP/Oregon Trail ACCEPTED! (Just come to the info booth and we will swipe your card and give you tokens to spend with the vendors.)
WIC/Seniors Checks ACCEPTED! (Bring your checks directly to vendors displaying a WIC/Seniors sign)
Contact us today and join our dedicated team.
Sign-up to receive weekly reports on what's new at the market, vendor information and recipes.