Market Day ~ Off season work to be even better!

Thanks for a fantastic season everyone!  We had a great time, and appreciate the support of each and every one of you who attended and contributed.

And now that the 2010 season is over, we get to look back on it and decide what to keep and what to change for next year, and WE WANT YOUR OPINION!  Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and let us know what you think about IFM.

Stay tuned in here, as well as our Facebook and Twitter for ongoing goodies throughout the winter!


2010 IFM Season
Wednesdays - 3pm to 7pm
May - September

3550 N. Interstate Ave.
Next to Overlook Park on the Max Yellow Line

SNAP/Oregon Trail ACCEPTED!  (Just come to the info booth and we will swipe your card and give you tokens to spend with the vendors.)
WIC/Seniors Checks ACCEPTED! (Bring your checks directly to vendors displaying a WIC/Seniors sign)

Contact us today and join our dedicated team.

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